Thursday, July 15, 2010


My family and I went to a lake house for vacation. It was an hour drive and when we got there it took just as long to unpack everything. So when we got done my brothers were eager to fish when I was not.I never thought it would be that bad but when Sam caught a fish, it was gross. The thing was flipping back and forth and he was just smiling. Then he drops it and Rachael screams. I don't blame her. There was more to do, a little. I mean we could walk to boatmart.
.Now I don't mind nature, but that was I a lot of nature.
So after a few days, we decided that instead of the boys and dad going camping later next month, they would stay and mom and us girls would go home for a vacation at home.
Works for me.
Now, I mean it was fun, we had lots of laughs. Like when Rachael caught Joseph instead of a fish. But I think I enjoyed going shopping just a little bit more than the great outdoors.
I also enjoyed spending time with the family. kind of